Energy Market
FERC has allowed MISO to avoid eight years of resettlement work on certain manual dispatches dating back to early 2009.
FERC accepted PJM’s proposed Tariff revisions on fast-start pricing to resolve inaccuracy and dispatch misalignment issues.
FERC invited states to introduce carbon pricing in wholesale markets but said it had no authority to initiate such programs itself.
The U.S. energy industry is still wrestling with the economic and social impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic that hit the world nearly nine months ago.
CAISO said it plans to begin a stakeholder initiative on scarcity pricing with an issue paper and formal start in January.
FERC approved LS Power’s acquisition of two generating facilities in PJM, rejecting the Independent Market Monitor’s request for behavioral mitigation.
MISO postponed its attempt to develop modeling software that can accommodate different combinations of combined cycle units.
A report on the causes of California’s August blackouts contends that constrained transmission prevented much needed imports from reaching the state.
Its spring conference canceled by the coronavirus pandemic, the GCPA virtually gathered 437 participants for its 35th annual Fall Conference.
A briefing by MISO staff on the record uplift in the RTO’s energy market caused by Hurricane Laura left stakeholders with more questions than answers.
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