Energy Market
The NEPOOL Markets Committee discussed summer wholesale market costs, Ferc Order 2222 compliance and changes to its Generation Information System.
Southeastern utilities and cooperatives, led by Duke and Southern Co., said they will seek FERC approval to launch a 15-minute energy market.
Fall in MISO was a study in record wind production, but it came with a price, as it produced more than half of the quarter’s real-time congestion.
The NYISO markets performed competitively in the third quarter, but the use of OOM actions to meet reliability was a concern, the MMU said.
The NEPOOL Participants Committee approved its consent agenda and elected David Cavanaugh as chair at its final meeting of the year.
Offshore wind growth challenges are starting to appear as several large projects move toward completion in the mid-2020s, officials said.
SPP’s WEIS stakeholders voted to move forward with parallel operations, the final test before the WEIS market’s planned February launch.
Panelists, including ISO-NE CEO Gordon van Welie, discussed the future of the RTO on the last day of the New England Energy Summit.
CAISO’s Market Monitor found no evidence of market manipulation or strategic outages during the rolling blackouts of mid-August.
Texas may be a red state on election day, but it’s producing a lot of green for renewable energy developers, panelists said during the Texas Energy Summit.
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