March 5, 2025

Energy Market

ERCOT Board Cuts Ties with Magness
The names of potential successors to ERCOT CEO Bill Magness have already begun to circulate after the grid operator’s Board of Directors fired him.
House Oversight Committee Pokes into ERCOT
The U.S. House of Representatives’ principal oversight committee joined the roster of agencies investigating ERCOT following February’s severe winter storm.
SPP Launches Review of Storm Response
SPP is reviewing its response to the recent winter storm that swept through its footprint, leading to the RTO's first rolling blackouts.
ERCOT’s Brazos Electric Declares Bankruptcy
Brazos Electric Power Cooperative filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, saying it was unable to pay ERCOT $2.1 billion in unexpected charges.
Vistra Stock Plunges After Market Losses
Vistra said it expects to take a $1.3 billion financial loss because of the state’s massive power outage and its subsequent effects on the ERCOT market.
UPDATED: Texas Lawmakers Dig into Power Outages
Texas lawmakers took their shots at ERCOT as they tried to grasp the complexities of a system that failed during an “unprecedented weather event.”
ERCOT Provides ‘Explanations, not Excuses’
ERCOT CEO Bill Magness detailed for the Board of Directors the events that led up to last week’s near collapse of the grid during a severe winter storm.
Vote Delayed on PJM SATA Proposal
Stakeholders voted to delay the endorsement of PJM’s proposal to develop rules for how storage should be considered in the RTEP process.
‘Future Grid’ Session Highlights Tx Study, Net Carbon Pricing
The NEPOOL Participants Committee’s first working session on the “Pathways to the Future Grid” effort featured ISO-NE’s proposed work on market frameworks.
CAISO Speeds Rule Changes to Avoid Shortfalls
CAISO issued a draft final proposal for its summer readiness market enhancements initiative just three weeks after presenting a straw proposal.

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