March 3, 2025

Energy Market

NYISO Monthly Energy Costs Up 98% Y-o-Y
NYISO locational-based marginal prices were down sharply in March compared to February’s average, though they were well above March 2020's average prices.
PJM Operating Committee Briefs: April 8, 2021
The PJM Operating Committee discussed COVID-19 vaccinations for staff and the February winter storm emergency in the Midwest.
NEPOOL Markets Committee Briefs: April 6, 2021
ISO-NE told the NEPOOL Markets Committee that the RTO would seek an extension of the compliance deadline for FERC Order 2222 until February 2022.
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PJM MIC Briefs: April 7, 2021
PJM stakeholders questioned whether proposals addressing compensation for reactive power supply and voltage control service should be delayed.
West Needs to Add Transmission for Renewables, CEOs Say
Western states must work together to build transmission avoid blackouts, Idaho Power CEO Lisa Grow and CAISO CEO Elliot Mainzer agreed.
FERC OKs Delay on Order 2222 Compliance
FERC approved requests by MISO, SPP and PJM to delay their Order 2222 compliance filings by up to nine months.
SPP MMU Quarterly Report Focuses on Winter Storms
The SPP Monitor’s most recent quarterly State of the Market report is dominated by the historic winter weather events of mid-February.
ERCOT Blame Share: Weather (54%); Equipment (14%), Gas (12%)
ERCOT said “weather-related” issues accounted for most of February’s widespread and lengthy outages in Texas, according to a report it filed with the PUC.
PJM MRC/MC Briefs: March 29, 2021
PJM's Members and Markets and Reliability Committees discussed transmission planning in light of NERC's CIP standards as well as manual revisions.
NEPOOL Participants Committee Meeting Briefs: April 1, 2021
ISO-NE officials briefed the NEPOOL Participants Committee on nominations to the RTO’s Board of Directors and operations during last winter.

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