October 12, 2024

Energy Market

© RTO Insider LLC
Another Wrinkle Delays Spot-in Changes for PJM
A vote on schedule changes to accommodate spot-in sales between PJM and NYISO was delayed at the Market Implementation Committee meeting.
FERC: Gas Continued to Dominate in 2016
The warmest winter on record, plus increased pipeline capacity, led to record-low natural gas prices, FERC said in its annual State of the Markets Report.
MISO IMM Recommends Tighter Rules for Constrained Areas
MISO’s IMM is recommending the RTO expand mitigation measures on constrained areas by creating a new definition aimed at periods of temporary congestion.
MISO, IMM Differ over Scarcity Pricing Changes
The MISO IMM says the RTO isn’t going far enough in proposing changes to comply with FERC’s offer cap rules, like increasing the max value of lost load.
Gas, LMPs Rebound in NY, New England in March
A spike in natural gas prices pushed LMPs up in both NYISO and ISO-NE in March, though analysts say the rise may be short-lived.
California to Reconsider Retail Choice
California officials are reconsidering retail choice, two decades after a deregulation drive that faltered in the Western Energy Crisis of 2000/01.
ERCOT Board of Directors Briefs
At last week's ERCOT Board of Directors meeting, CEO Bill Magness highlighted the ISO's growing wind resources and the challenges they pose to reliability.
EIM Charter Changes Would Give Governing Body More Power
CAISO management is proposing to amend the EIM charter to explicitly provide the market’s Governing Body with a voice in any future governance changes.
NYISO Management Committee Briefs
The NYISO Management Committee voted to recommend rewording the ISO’s coordination agreement with ISO-NE on emergency energy transaction charges.
PJM Stakeholders Explore Price Formation, Seek Transparency
PJM should explain its daily operating decisions in more detail so market participants can better understand price formation and how markets are formed.

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