October 11, 2024

Energy Market

Consumer Advocates Slam Perry NOPR, RTOs, FERC
Consumer advocates urged Congress to pressure FERC to improve the RTO stakeholder process and reject Energy Secretary Rick Perry’s directive to rescue at-risk coal and nuclear generation.
CAISO Monitor Provides Details on Q2 Price Spikes
CAISO’s internal Market Monitor provided more details about the extreme day-ahead price spikes occurring over a three-day period in June.
FERC Grants NYISO Shortage Pricing Waiver
FERC granted NYISO a waiver of its shortage pricing rules, giving the ISO time to align its Tariff with its market software.
Perry Orders FERC Rescue of Nukes, Coal
Energy Secretary Rick Perry on Friday ordered FERC to rescue at-risk nuclear and coal generation by ensuring they receive “full recovery” of their costs.
MISO in Harmony with IMM State of the Market Report
MISO “generally” agrees with all nine market improvement recommendations raised by its Independent Market Monitor in its 2016 State of the Market report.
Stakeholder Soapbox: REVing up our Wholesale Power Markets
Glen Thomas, president of PJM Power Providers Group, argues that a re-examination of RTOs' wholesale energy markets is long overdue.
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Overheard at Infocast’s Texas Renewable Energy Summit
Infocast Texas Renewable Energy Summit attendees heard discussions on the challenges ERCOT faces in building transmission and ensuring grid reliability.
Monitor: CAISO Q2 Prices Hit Record Despite Mitigation
California’s scorching heat pushed CAISO day-ahead energy prices to record highs in the second quarter after market mitigation measures unexpectedly failed.
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FERC Approves SPP Shortage Pricing Changes
FERC accepted SPP’s proposed Tariff revisions related to shortage pricing.
MISO, IMM Report Efficient Summer Months
MISO’s staff and Independent Market Monitor convened to commend RTO operations personnel for a successful season.

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