Energy Market
The Markets and Reliability Committee endorsed PJM's recommended installed reserve margin and forecast pool requirement values for the 2026/27 Base Residual Auction.
The Bonneville Power Administration’s first day-ahead markets workshop since issuing the draft policy stating its intention to join SPP’s Markets+ left little opportunity for critics to probe agency officials about the decision.
FERC's State of the Markets report showed lower wholesale energy prices but growing demand and higher capacity prices that signal a need to meet the coming load.
FERC approved a $528,000 settlement that ends a dispute between EDF Trading North America and CAISO over fuel cost recovery.
FERC accepted SPP's proposed tariff revisions that will incorporate seven Western Interconnection entities as transmission-owning members of the RTO.
The NYISO Business Issues Committee approved, in concept, implementation of the ISO’s new firm fuel election process and requirements as part of its changes to capacity accreditation.
PJM’s markets provided reliable service in 2024, but tightening supply and demand are laying bare design flaws that have inhibited the competitiveness of the RTO’s markets, the Independent Market Monitor wrote in its 2024 State of the Market Report.
A recent study that contributed to El Paso Electric’s decision to join SPP’s Markets+ rather than CAISO’s Extended Day-Ahead Market has raised questions among New Mexico regulators.
FERC is expected to rule on SPP’s proposed tariff revisions adding a winter season resource adequacy requirement and several other issues related to the grid operator.
ISO-NE provided stakeholders with a high-level overview of its proposed prompt capacity market design and discussed several other aspects of its capacity auction reform project at a two-day meeting of the NEPOOL Markets Committee.
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