July 23, 2024

Ancillary Services

FERC: PJM Uplift Ranks High Among RTOs, ISOs
PJM has consistently had among the highest uplift rates among RTOs and ISOs, according to a Federal Energy Regulatory Commission report released last week.
MRC/MC Preview
Our summary of the issues scheduled for votes at the PJM MRC and MC on 08/21/14. Each item is listed by agenda number, description and projected time of discussion, followed by a summary of the issue and links to prior coverage.
FirstEnergy Wants Regulated Companies to Subsidize Generation
FirstEnergy is asking consumers to prop up nuclear and coal generating plants the company says are at risk of closing due to low energy and capacity prices.
Court Orders Response on Challenge to FERC Order 745 Ruling
The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals signaled that it may take another look at the court’s order voiding FERC Order 745.
PPL, Riverstone ID Plants for Sale in Talen Spinoff
PPL and Riverstone Holdings have offered to divest about 1,300 MW of generation from their 15,000-MW combined fleet to avoid market power concerns over their planned spinoff, Talen Energy.
Life without Demand Response: Higher Prices but No Reliability Crisis, Says Monitor
PJM capacity prices would increase sharply but reliability would not be threatened if a recent federal court ruling eliminated demand response from wholesale markets, the Market Monitor said.
State Regulators Call for Capacity Market Changes
State utlity regulators criticized rules that restrict states’ ability to contract for capacity last week at MACRUC's annual education conference, and called on PJM and FERC for changes.
PJM to Seek Smaller Black Start Changes
PJM will attempt to win approval for limited changes to the compensation rules for black start units and a plan for selecting “backstop” resources for regions that fail to secure service through competitive solicitations.
CAISO Expands Reach to 7 States with Imbalance Market
The California ISO’s expansion of its energy imbalance market to six other states have some asking the question: Is this the beginning of an RTO West?
FERC to Tackle RTO Uplift, Price Formation
FERC staff will hold workshops beginning this fall to consider rule changes regarding uplift, price caps and other issues affecting price formation in PJM and other RTOs.

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