March 8, 2025

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Primary Frequency Proposals Set for Vote in PJM
PJM is nearing the finish line in determining how it handles the primary frequency response requirements put in place by FERC Order 842.
Report: MISO, PJM Must Change Markets for Renewables
A new report released says full market participation for renewables will require revisions to electricity markets, particularly in MISO and PJM.
Montana Wind Farm Exempted from Frequency Response Rule
FERC ruled that an existing Montana wind farm is exempt from a commission order requiring new generators to provide primary frequency response.
MISO Concurs with Monitor Ideas, Pledges More Study
MISO officials say they will follow through on most recommendations in its Independent Market Monitor’s 2017 State of the Market report.
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PJM Regulation Rule Endorsed Despite Criticism
PJM stakeholders endorsed a new rule that is likely to fuel consternation among owners of energy storage participating in the RTO’s regulation market.
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PJM MRC/MC Briefs: Oct. 25, 2018
The PJM Markets and Reliability and Members committees agreed to fast-track a proposal on demand response.
PJM Operating Committee Briefs: Oct. 9, 2018
The Mid-Atlantic region experienced heavy precipitation this summer that was great for hydro generation, PJM staff told the Operating Committee.
NY Carbon Task Force Looks at REC, EAS Impacts
NYISO recommended steps to prevent suppliers from collecting double payments for carbon-emission reductions that have already been captured by renewable energy credit contracts.
MISO: 20% Renewable Limit for Adequate Frequency Response
MISO said its grid can currently sustain 20% renewable penetration without damaging frequency response.
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Overheard at Future Power Markets Conference
The 80 attendees who attended the inaugural Future Power Markets Summit in D.C. heard discussions on grid modernization and decentralization.

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