March 6, 2025

Ancillary Services

NYISO Moves Forward on EAS Projects
NYISO continues to advance its Grid in Transition agenda, moving ahead with some energy and ancillary services projects while suspending or combining others.
PJM Operating Committee Briefs: Aug. 6, 2020
The PJM Operating Committee endorsed changes to Manual 1 to expand the use of synchrophasors and make them a requirement for certain projects under the RTEP.
Mass. Nixes Separate Offshore Tx RFP
Massachusetts officials will not require utilities to solicit proposals for an independent transmission network for the 1,600 MW of offshore wind energy already procured, but recommended bundling transmission in its next OSW solicitation.
FERC OKs 2 Changes from SPP’s HITT Work
FERC accepted SPP Tariff revisions implementing recommendations from the RTO’s stakeholders on fast-start resources and ramping products.
PJM OC Briefs: July 9, 2020
The PJM Operating Committee unanimously endorsed a “quick fix” solution to give transmission owners access to the Dispatch Interactive Map Application.
ERCOT Technical Advisory Committee Briefs: June 24, 2020
ERCOT’s TAC held its first full working meeting since the COVID-19 outbreak, endorsing revision requests and learning about the grid operator's new HQ.
NEPOOL Markets Committee Briefs: June 10, 2020
New England’s total wholesale costs of electricity last year fell 19% to $9.8 billion, according to the ISO-NE Market Monitor’s 2019 Annual Markets Report.
Debate Continues as New England Awaits ESI Ruling
Generation and load interests are no closer to agreement over ISO-NE's Energy Security Improvements proposal, a NECA webcast discussion showed.
ERCOT Briefs: Week of June 1, 2020
The ERCOT Technical Advisory Committee unanimously approved a change to how emergency response service resources return following recall.
ERCOT Technical Advisory Committee Briefs: May 27, 2020
The ERCOT Technical Advisory Committee approved the Corpus Christi North Shore transmission project to address more than 1 GW of industrial load growth.

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