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ISO-NE asked FERC if it could seek its direction to improve its fuel security after the commission rejected the RTO’s ESI market design.
FERC rejected ISO-NE’s proposed Energy Security Improvements, saying it would add substantial costs “without meaningfully improving fuel security.”
ERCOT staff have begun issuing price corrections and resettling 25 operating days affected by two market errors earlier this year.
MISO must increase use of demand resources and provide market participants with tools to hedge risks, panelists at a Market Symposium said.
FERC said NextEra’s Crystal Lake II wind farm in Iowa may be improperly including O&M costs and transmission-related expenses in its reactive power rates.
ERCOT staff told stakeholders they are working to reduce errors following two recent unrelated events that led to price corrections and resettlements.
The Markets Committee heard an update on ISO-NE’s next Order 841 compliance filing and its proposal to sunset the Forward Reserve Market.
NYISO is preparing to be able to adapt its reserve requirements quickly to a changing resource mix by procuring supplemental reserves.
Observers cited dependence on imports, underperformance of natural gas and wind, and market manipulation as possible causes of California’s recent blackouts.
ERCOT CEO Bill Magness told the board that load has begun to return to pre-COVID-19 levels, as evidenced by energy usage in June and July.
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