Ancillary Services
The U.S. House of Representatives’ principal oversight committee joined the roster of agencies investigating ERCOT following February’s severe winter storm.
Staff told the ERCOT Technical Advisory Committee that it will be asked next month to sunset the RTC Task Force and instead focus on the Passport Program.
Stakeholders in SPP’s Western Imbalance Service market unanimously approved its Feb. 1 launch, the last major milestone in a project that began in 2019.
ISO-NE said stakeholders’ proposed schedule for the Phase 1 reliability and market analyses in the Future Grid Initiative is "aggressive but achievable."
The NYISO Business Issues Committee OK'd meter-related manual revisions and discussed updates to the 2019 CARIS database.
FERC handed SPP an early Christmas present when it approved the RTO’s second version of a tariff for its five-minute WEIS market.
NYISO's Management Committee heard a presentation on the ISO's Strategic Plan for 2021-2025 and discussed the challenges of the past year.
SPP offered stakeholders a deep dive into an analysis of the RTO’s Western regional market that projects millions in savings for members.
ERCOT task forces working on market improvements and integrating storage brought the final results of their work to the TAC.
The NYISO Business Issues Committee approved rule changes regarding transmission congestion contracts and hybrid storage facilities.
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