Ancillary Services
Stakeholders unanimously voted to amend PJM's issue charge addressing the calculation of regulation mileage ratio, asking the RTO for more time to discuss.
The Texas Public Utility Commission’s rookie electric utility regulators last week stood in front of the proverbial fire hose, wielded by ERCOT staff, market participants and the grid’s Independent Market Monitor, as they try to get a grip on how best to respond to February’s disastrous winter storm. In what the PUC billed as the …
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ERCOT stakeholders approved a binding document revision that codifies the grid operator’s plans to deploy more operating reserves to ensure summer readiness.
Stakeholders unanimously endorsed PJM's proposed solution and tariff revisions addressing interconnection construction service agreements.
ERCOT stakeholders have endorsed the first system changes addressing system changes stemming from the winter weather that almost shut down the Texas grid.
FERC accepted NYISO revisions to its ORDC but rejected the supplemental reserves procurement process component.
After several months of debate, PJM stakeholders endorsed an issue charge aimed at addressing compensation for reactive supply and voltage control service.
ERCOT’s Market Monitor released its annual State of the Market report for 2020, finding that the wholesale market performed competitively in 2020.
PJM stakeholders endorsed a proposal to address regulation for virtual combined cycle units, but some were concerned that the work will be too complex.
EBA marked its 75th anniversary at its virtual annual meeting, which included sessions on capacity markets and remarks by FERC Chair Richard Glick.
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