Ancillary Services
The Markets and Reliability Committee endorsed PJM's recommended installed reserve margin and forecast pool requirement values for the 2026/27 Base Residual Auction.
PJM’s markets provided reliable service in 2024, but tightening supply and demand are laying bare design flaws that have inhibited the competitiveness of the RTO’s markets, the Independent Market Monitor wrote in its 2024 State of the Market Report.
ISO-NE provided stakeholders with a high-level overview of its proposed prompt capacity market design and discussed several other aspects of its capacity auction reform project at a two-day meeting of the NEPOOL Markets Committee.
Attendees at Yes Energy's annual summit, EMPOWER 25, discussed the Trump administration, pending ERCOT market changes, the future of wind power generation and uses for artificial intelligence, among other topics.
The PJM Market Implementation Committee endorsed a proposal to revise the base formula rate for compensating black start resources.
New England energy market revenues increased by roughly 150% in the winter of 2024/25 compared to the prior winter.
MISO estimates its savings and efficiencies benefited its members to the tune of just over $5 billion over 2024.
ERCOT stakeholders have begun discussions on a pair of protocol revision requests related to the grid operator’s real-time co-optimization and battery project, set to go live in December.
ISO-NE revised its compliance proposal for FERC Order 904 to allow generators to be compensated for reactive power outside the standard power factor range.
PJM’s Market Implementation Committee narrowly endorsed a PJM proposal to use ELCC to model the availability of demand response resources in all hours, along with other changes to how DR accreditation is determined.
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