July 7, 2024


New York Power Authority
NYISO Management Committee Briefs: Dec. 21, 2022
NYISO CEO Rich Dewey announced to the Management Committee that Director Gizman Abbas had accepted a position on Talen Energy’s board of directors.
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PJM MRC/MC Briefs: Dec. 21, 2022
PJM's MRC rejected two proposals that would have created a “circuit breaker” mechanism to limit prices during extended periods of high prices.
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Capacity Auction ‘Mismatch’ Roils PJM Stakeholders
PJM said it will ask FERC to modify the rules of its 2024/25 capacity auction to avoid artificially high prices in one region of the RTO.
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Synchronized Reserve Pricing Falls in PJM Markets After Overhaul
Synchronized reserves have seen a drop in prices since PJM implemented market overhauls at the start of October, the RTO says.
NYISO Capacity Accreditation Implementation Worries Stakeholders
NYISO stakeholders expressed reluctance to approve the ISO’s proposed implementation of its new capacity accreditation construct.
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Stakeholders Respond to ERCOT Market’s Proposed Redesign
Texas regulators have received almost 120 comments from ERCOT stakeholders and the public about a proposed market redesign to be turned over to lawmakers.
Southern California Edison
CAISO, WEIM Boards Back Reliability Enhancements
The CAISO Board of Governors and Western Energy Imbalance Market Governing Body adopted resource sufficiency and storage changes to promote summer reliability.
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NECA Panelists Talk Capacity Market, DERs
A panel of energy experts took ISO-NE’s capacity market to task, lambasting the region’s Forward Capacity Market and offering ideas about how to improve it.
Potomac Economics
NYISO Over-crediting Poorly Performing Units’ Capacity, Monitor Says
NYISO is qualifying generation units for meeting their reserve requirements even though they fail to provide adequate reserves during normal market operations.
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PJM Stakeholders Review Proposals on CIRs for ELCC Resources
The PJM Planning Committee reviewed a slate of proposals to address capacity interconnection rights for effective load-carrying capability resources.

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