The PJM Markets and Reliability Committee rejected a proposal to change the rules for how generators with co-located load may enter into the capacity market during its Oct. 25 meeting.
Demand response providers in NYISO are concerned that proposed market rule changes will harm the economics of special case resources.
The PJM Markets and Reliability Committee overrode concerns from Illinois consumer advocates and regulators to create a fifth cost of new entry area for the Commonwealth Edison region.
OMS took time to celebrate its 20-year anniversary at its annual meeting while exploring familiar themes of restructuring resource adequacy and barriers to large transmission buildout.
Form Energy hopes to use its long-duration iron-air batteries to firm up renewable energy generation across extended stretches in New England.
NYISO said a market software problem identified this year in the day-ahead and real-time ancillary services markets had a negligible financial impact and did not result in any market manipulation.
FERC fined independent power producer AES $6 million for failing to fulfill RA obligations related to eight of the company’s 12 generating units operating in Southern California.
The results from a WMEG study indicate that many entities outside California would see more benefits from a two-market outcome while the Golden State has the most to lose from such a split.
Several generation companies have submitted comments supporting and opposing a proposed settlement to reduce the $1.8 billion PJM assessed against market sellers for underperforming during Winter Storm Elliott by 23%.
The OPSI annual meeting debated PJM’s recent capacity market filing and whether the RTO needs to consider changes to its energy and reserve markets.
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