March 5, 2025


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FERC Commissioner See Explains Her Regulatory Philosophy at EBA
FERC Commissioner Lindsay See took office the day the Supreme Court issued its Loper Bright decision striking down the Chevron deference to federal agencies, she told the Energy Bar Association’s Mid-Year Energy Forum.
PJM Market Monitor Releases Second Section of 2025/26 Capacity Auction Report
The second leg of the Independent Market Monitor's analysis on PJM's 2025/26 Base Residual Auction looked at the impact of not counting reliability-must-run resources as capacity, paired with several other factors.
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Stakeholders Divided on PJM Proposal to Expedite High-capacity Generation
PJM's proposal to create an expedited interconnection process for high capacity factor generation would seek to add gigawatts of capacity by fast-tracking studies on around 100 projects.
WER Architects-Planners
Regulators Get Look into Monitoring Plans for Markets+

Western regulators on the Markets+ State Committee probed an SPP Market Monitoring Unit official on how the department plans to address implementation of the new day-ahead market.

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SPP Sees Bias in Brattle Western Market Studies, Exec Says

An SPP executive closely involved with developing Markets+ said recent Brattle Group studies on Western day-ahead markets appear to be aimed more at swaying utilities in favor of CAISO’s EDAM than providing an unbiased assessment.

CAISO Q1 Prices Down Sharply Despite NW Cold Snap, DMM Reports
First-quarter electricity prices in CAISO markets were down sharply from the same period in 2023, despite sharp spikes during the January cold snap in the Pacific Northwest, the ISO’s Department of Market Monitoring said.
Fletcher6, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
ISO-NE Refines Scope, Schedule for Capacity Auction Reforms
ISO-NE is not planning to pursue the development of simultaneously clearing seasonal capacity auctions as part of its capacity auction reform project.
Camano Island Chamber of Commerce
5th ‘Alert’ Touts Markets+ Support for Clean Resources, GHG Policy

Markets+ proponents argue that the SPP framework allows more flexibility for integrating greenhouse gas emission reduction programs across various states than CAISO’s EDAM.

Casey Monaghan, CC-BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia
New England Generators Protest ISO-NE Financial Assurance Changes
A recently filed proposal by ISO-NE to increase the collateral requirements for generators with capacity supply obligations has received strong pushback from the New England Power Generators Association.
West-Wide Governance Pathways Initiative
Revised Pathways Proposal Focuses on Sector Issues
The West-Wide Governance Pathways Initiative has revised its “regional organization” stakeholder process proposal to expand the size of a key stakeholder committee and boost representation for some groups.

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