Benefits for participants in CAISO’s EIM surged past $119 million in the third quarter, a record amount driven by heat waves in Aug. and Sept.
The NEPOOL Participants Committee acted on consent agenda items and discussed ISO-NE's "vision for the future" and winter readiness.
PJM stakeholders endorsed the RTO’s package on updates to real-time value market rules that call for additional penalties for generation operators.
MISO said it will file with FERC updates to its emergency pricing design, hoping to spur more action from suppliers when conditions get risky.
This summer’s average hourly load in the SPP footprint was 2% higher than the year before, according to the MMU’s quarterly report.
MISO agrees with nearly all the new recommendations its Monitor issued this year, though executing the ideas may take some time.
Exelon officials confirmed during a third-quarter earnings call that the company is considering spinning off its generation business.
The Markets and Reliability Committee endorsed revisions to PJM’s rules for liquidating defaulted financial transmission rights positions.
The NEPOOL Markets Committee continued its discussion on Forward Capacity Market parameters for the 2025/26 capacity commitment period.
FERC approved SPP’s affected-system order compliance filing and the RTO's proposal to revise its fast-start pricing practices.
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