February 26, 2025

Capacity Market

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PJM Stakeholders Endorse Elimination of EE Participation in Capacity Market
The PJM Markets and Reliability Committee voted to eliminate energy efficiency from the capacity construct, adopting a proposal from the Monitor.
MISO Predicts Painless Fall Despite Missouri Capacity Shortfall
MISO doesn’t believe autumn will prove much trouble for it to tackle, though it faces a capacity shortfall in Missouri.
Analysis Group: No Changes to NYISO CONE Method Needed
The Analysis Group told NYISO stakeholders it did not recommend any major changes to the annual process for updating the ISO’s gross cost of new entry for generators.
Talen Energy
Maryland Report Details PJM Cost Increases for Ratepayers
A spike in PJM capacity prices and generator deactivations could increase monthly costs in Maryland by as much as 24% for some. 
Convergent Energy and Power
NYISO Tariff Revisions Include Uncertainty Reserve
NYISO staff presented tariff revisions that may be deployed as early as Q1 of 2026 to account for the uncertainty of wind and solar energy forecasts.
PJM MRC/MC Preview: Aug. 21, 2024
PJM proposes tightening "know your customer" rules, which require members to provide information to facilitate the due diligence PJM conducts on key decision-making leadership.
PJM MIC Briefs: Aug. 7, 2024
PJM has decided not to refile several components of its proposed capacity market redesign that was rejected by FERC in February.
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Stakeholders Endorse PJM EE Measurement and Verification Proposal
The Market Implementation Committee endorsed a PJM proposal to revise how the capacity offered by energy efficiency resources is measured and verified, rejecting competing proposals from EE providers and the Monitor.
Z22, CC-BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
NYISO Presents Draft Recommendations for Demand Curve Reset
NYISO presented its draft recommendations for the demand curve reset, including the choice of a two-hour battery electric storage system resource as the proxy unit in calculations.
EMC Enineering Services
ISO-NE Outlines ‘Straw Scope’ of Capacity Market Reforms
ISO-NE responded to stakeholder feedback on its capacity auction reform project at the NEPOOL Markets Committee meeting, providing clarity on the scope of its capacity market overhaul. 

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