July 30, 2024

Capacity Market

Early MISO PRA Data Show Little Change
MISO posted draft 2019/20 Planning Resource Auction data that are virtually unchanged from last year’s early predictions.
Monitor Sees Problems with PJM Reserve Pricing Plan
Independent Market Monitor Joe Bowring said PJM’s proposed revisions to how it prices reserves necessitates changes in the capacity market.
PJM Market Implementation Committee Briefs: Jan. 9, 2019
The PJM Market Implementation Committee discussed the must-offer exception process and FERC’s energy storage order at last week's meeting.
ISO-NE, NEPOOL Answer Generators on FCM Test Price
ISO-NE urged FERC to reject a protest over the RTO’s proposed “test price” mechanism to be applied to resources seeking to retire capacity.
Munis Wary of PJM Rules on Non-Retail BTM Generation
A PJM proposal to revise rules on non-retail behind-the-meter generation was met with suspicion from municipal utilities and cooperatives.
ISO-NE Installed Capacity Requirement Filing Approved
FERC approved ISO-NE’s proposed values for the Installed Capacity Requirement, capability credits and related values in time for the capacity auction.
Trade Group Lodges Complaint over MISO Capacity Rules
The Coalition of Midwest Power Producers filed a complaint with FERC alleging MISO is improperly accounting for the deliverability of capacity resources.
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PJM Ponders New Capacity Rules — Again — in 2019
In many ways, PJM's 2018 was much like years before, with capacity and energy market rules under constant redesign. Some stakeholders have grown weary of the churn.
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MISO to Address Growing Supply Shortage in New Year
MISO will spend much of 2019 working on how it can prevent the increasingly frequent emergency conditions it experienced in 2018.
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FERC Proposes Market Screen Exemptions
FERC proposed to exempt market participants in ISO-NE, MISO, NYISO and PJM from its indicative horizontal market power screens.

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