July 30, 2024

Capacity Market

MISO, Stakeholders Debate Merits of Seasonal Auction
MISO revived the idea of implementing a seasonal capacity auction as part of its multipronged resource availability and need initiative, but promised to gather more data before defining long-term solutions.
Showdown Set on PJM Must-offer Exceptions
The PJM MIC set up a showdown over whether the RTO can force capacity resources into energy-only status for failing to meet requirements.
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Capacity Market Sellers Anxious over Uncertain PJM Auction Rules
Capacity market sellers expressed anxiety over PJM’s “parallel path” for its upcoming Base Residual Auction, urging staff to consider delaying the auction until FERC clarifies the minimum offer price rule.
FERC: No Merit in MISO Deliverability Complaint
FERC rejected Coalition of Midwest Power Producers' complaint that MISO is improperly accounting for the deliverability of some capacity resources.
PJM MIC to Vote on Alternative Must-offer Exception Rules
PJM’s Market Implementation Committee, which approved changes to its must-offer exception rules in November, will consider 2 alternative proposals March 6.
FERC Drops Salem Harbor ‘False Offer’ Case
FERC ended its enforcement action against the Salem Harbor Power Station, dropping allegations that plant operators made ISO-NE supply offers they could not meet.
FERC Accepts ISO-NE Storage Tariff Revisions
FERC accepted rule changes broadening energy storage resources’ ability to provide capacity, energy, and ancillary services in ISO-NE’s markets.
Monitor Asks FERC to Cut PJM Capacity Offer Cap
PJM’s Independent Market Monitor asked FERC to order changes to the RTO’s Capacity Performance assumptions, saying the current rules allow sellers to exercise market power.
MISO LMR Capacity Rules Get FERC Approval
FERC approved a MISO proposal requiring owners of load-modifying resources to provide clearly documented commitments regarding their availability before participating in the capacity market.
ISO-NE Chief Sees ‘Year-round’ Energy Risks Coming
ISO-NE CEO Gordon van Welie said his concerns about New England’s ability to keep the lights on continue to grow despite enacted market rule changes.

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