July 30, 2024

Capacity Market

FERC Approves MISO Pseudo-tie Proposal
FERC approved Tariff revisions intended to relieve costs for MISO resources pseudo-tying into PJM despite criticism that they didn't go far enough.
NYISO Business Issues Committee Briefs: March 13, 2019
NYISO’s Business Issues Committee approved revisions to the Installed Capacity (ICAP) Manual regarding external to rest of state deliverability rights.
Monitor Says PJM’s Capacity Market not Competitive
Unsound rules for calculating default market seller offer caps and other persistent structural flaws made PJM’s capacity market uncompetitive in 2018, the RTO’s Monitor said.
Courts Misread Hughes on Nuke Subsidies, Supreme Court Told
Merchant generators’ Hail Mary pass for a U.S. Supreme Court review of Illinois and New York nuclear subsidies has won support from PJM’s Independent Market Monitor and others.
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PJM to FERC: Hurry Up with Auction Guidance
PJM urged FERC to expedite guidance on the RTO’s upcoming Base Residual Auction as stakeholders prepare for deadlines on two different sets of rules.
RTO Insider Reporter Admitted to NEPOOL
The New England Power Pool voted to admit RTO Insider correspondent Michael Kuser as an End User member under strict rules that prevent him from reporting publicly on what he hears in meetings.
Pa. Lawmakers Unveil $500M Nuke Subsidy Bill
With two months to go before Exelon says it will pull the plug on Three Mile Island, Pennsylvania lawmakers unveiled legislation to spend $500 million annually to subsidize the state’s nuclear fleet.
ISO-NE Steady on Fuel Plan Despite NEPOOL Rebuff
The New England Power Pool Markets Committee rejected ISO-NE’s interim proposal for compensating generators for fuel security. But the RTO plans to file the plan with FERC with or without stakeholder endorsement.
AWEA Balks at PJM Plan on Wind, Solar Capacity
AWEA said PJM’s proposal to change how wind and solar capacity values are calculated does not account for the technologies’ performance improvements over the last decade.
LSE Load Forecast Documents Incomplete, MISO says
In an assessment of this year’s load forecast, MISO told load-serving entities they could do more to support their individual forecasts with documentation.

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