July 30, 2024

Capacity Market

FERC: ISO-NE Won’t Change EE Rules Without Stakeholder Talks
ISO-NE will not alter its energy efficiency performance standards outside the stakeholder process, FERC reassured stakeholders Tuesday.
MISO Gives Tentative Nod to Seasonal Capacity Design
MISO now cautiously estimates that the benefits of a seasonal capacity auction would outweigh potential drawbacks.
UPDATED: Most MISO Zones Clear at $3/MW-day in 2019/20 PRA
MISO’s 7th annual capacity auction cleared at $2.99/MW-day in all but 1 zone, a significant decline compared with last year’s nearly uniform $10 price.
PJM to Hold Capacity Auction in August
PJM will move forward with its August capacity auction under current market rules, unless FERC says otherwise, CEO Andy Ott told stakeholders.
Stakeholders Tell PJM Board to Delay Capacity Auction
Stakeholders are urging PJM’s Board of Managers to reschedule the upcoming capacity auction given the growing pile of FERC rulings not yet decided.
ISO-NE Filing, Whitepaper Address Energy Security
A ISO-NE whitepaper attempts to chart a course for the RTO to develop new market-based solutions to overcome New England’s energy security challenges.
Overheard at the NE Electricity Restructuring Roundtable
FERC Commissioner Cheryl LaFleur reflected on New England's electricity markets, and NERC CEO Jim Robb shared concerns about fuel security at the event.
ISO-NE Planning Advisory Committee Briefs: March 21, 2019
Ten transmission upgrades have been placed in service in New England since October, ISO-NE engineer Jon Breard told the RTO’s Planning Advisory Committee.
PJM Mulls Options for August Capacity Auction
PJM offered stakeholders four options for navigating its upcoming capacity auction, noting that each comes with risks and uncertainties.
FERC Approves MISO Pseudo-tie Proposal
FERC approved Tariff revisions intended to relieve costs for MISO resources pseudo-tying into PJM despite criticism that they didn't go far enough.

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