July 29, 2024

Capacity Market

Public Citizen Contests FERC Ruling on MISO Auction
Public Citizen asked FERC to rehear its ruling dismissing complaints over MISO’s 2015/16 capacity auction, saying it failed to justify its findings.
MISO Finds Loss-of-load Risk in Fall, Winter Months
For the first time, MISO has found a loss-of-load risk outside of summer months, and said it may be more evidence for seasonal capacity supplies.
Counterflow: Cue the Pixie Dust
Columnist Steve Huntoon argues that energy storage resources should not get preferential treatment in PJM's Capacity Performance market construct.
PJM MIC Briefs: Aug. 7, 2019
PJM told the MIC it will not file waivers for upcoming capacity auction deadlines and will rely on FERC to issue an order on its MOPR.
MISO Deliverability Plan Prompts Skepticism
MISO signaled it’s ready to address calls from its Monitor and members to tighten capacity deliverability requirements, but some are concerned about costs.
Monitor: PJM Markets Remain ‘Under Attack’
PJM’s markets remain “under attack” from those concerned about the retirements of unprofitable legacy generators, the Monitor said.
MISO to Limit Capacity Resource Extended Outages
MISO has proposed limiting extended planned outages to fewer than 90 days to qualify for participation in its Planning Resource Auction.
Lacking Quorum, FERC OKs ISO-NE Energy Security Plan
ISO-NE’s controversial proposal to compensate resources for maintaining inventoried energy during the winter became effective because of inaction by FERC.
NYISO Manual Changes for New SRE Penalty OK’d
NYISO approved manual changes to accommodate a new penalty scheme to improve the ISO’s ability to call on external capacity resources.
Exelon: Market Flaws Threaten Ill. Carbon Policy
Exelon officials told investors that Illinois’ transition toward 100% carbon-free power can’t succeed without PJM market reforms.

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