July 29, 2024

Capacity Market

RTOs Gather to Discuss Real-time Co-optimization
ERCOT staffers and stakeholders gathered to hear advice from the RTOs that have already implemented real-time co-optimization in their markets.
PJM Suspends Auction Deadlines Pending FERC Action
PJM told stakeholders all deadlines for upcoming capacity auctions will be suspended pending FERC action on the RTO’s proposed revisions to its capacity market.
Supply Side not Buying ISO-NE’s ICR Numbers
NEPOOL’s Reliability Committee did not endorse ISO-NE’s installed capacity requirement values, as the Generation and Supplier sectors voted in opposition.
PJM Monitor: Fix DR Capacity Seller Rules
PJM’s Monitor said the RTO should resume its efforts to close loopholes that allow demand response resources to sell high and buy low in its auctions.
FERC to PJM Gens: Use or Lose Capacity Rights
PJM generators seeking must-offer exceptions will lose their capacity interconnection rights unless they meet CP requirements changes approved by FERC.
NEPOOL Reliability Committee Briefs: Sept. 10, 2019
ISO-NE provided the NEPOOL Reliability Committee with more details on the forecasting changes that impacted the ICR in the CELT summer demand forecast.
MISO Eases New Rules on Extended Outages
MISO has softened a proposal to crack down on long-term outages from capacity resources, granting some wiggle room for outages taken in the summer.
MISO Resource Adequacy Subcomm. Briefs: Sept. 12, 2019
MISO will suspend updates on its resource availability and need project through November to allow time for analysis that may drive future draft rules.
MOPR Impact Study Ruffles Feathers Ahead of FERC Ruling
As PJM stakeholders anxiously await FERC’s ruling on expanding the MOPR, a new analysis says the policy could signifigantly increase capacity market prices
Glick Recusal May Mean No MOPR Ruling Before December
FERC may be unable to issue a ruling on PJM's capacity market rules before December, further complicating matters for the RTO and market participants.

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