July 29, 2024

Capacity Market

NEPOOL Markets Committee Briefs: Jan. 28, 2020
ISO-NE’s External Market Monitor presented the NEPOOL Markets Committee a design for mitigating market power in the day-ahead ancillary services market.
FERC Denies Rehearing on NYISO LCRs
FERC denied rehearing of its order accepting NYISO’s revisions to the methodology it uses to determine locational minimum installed capacity requirements.
Connecticut Weighs Pros, Cons of ISO-NE Markets
Connecticut regulators hosted a public hearing to examine whether ISO-NE’s wholesale electricity markets are geared to serving clean energy objectives.
PJM: Carbon Pricing the Answer to Subsidy Dispute
A PJM official urged officials to embrace carbon pricing rather than exit the capacity market in response to FERC expanding the minimum offer price rule.
PJM Industrials Challenge MOPR for Voluntary RECs
PJM industrial customers said buying and selling RECs shouldn’t count as subsidies in the capacity market, urging FERC to reconsider its definition.
PJM MOPR Rehearing Requests Pour into FERC
Stakeholders asked FERC to reconsider requiring PJM to overhaul its capacity market, saying the directive is unnecessary and oversteps federal jurisdiction.
Deposit Rule OK’d for New ISO-NE Capacity
ISO-NE will apply different deposit rules on new capacity resources for Forward Capacity Auction 14 under a proposal approved by FERC.
NYISO Stakeholders OK Moving IESO Proxy Bus
NYISO is moving the proxy bus for pricing transactions with Ontario’s IESO to reflect power-flow changes from the implementation of phase-angle regulators.
FERC Rejects Mystic Cost-of-service Amendment
FERC rejected Exelon’s request to allow it the option to terminate its cost-of-service agreement to keep Mystic Units 8 and 9 in operation until 2024.
PJM MIC Briefs: Jan. 8, 2020
PJM’s Monitor said recently approved maintenance adders to the synchronized reserve calculation allow resources to increase offers above competitive levels.

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