July 29, 2024

Capacity Market

FERC Denies CPower Waivers for FCA 14
FERC denied CPower’s two waiver requests to allow its seven summer-only distributed solar demand capacity resources to participate in ISO-NE’s FCA 14.
Glick Warns Capacity Rules Putting RTOs ‘in Peril’
FERC Commissioner Richard Glick said he thinks the commission needs to revisit capacity markets or risk putting “in peril the future of RTOs in general.”
MISO Pursues Leaner LMR Accreditation
MISO will seek FERC approval for a proposal to tighten LMR accreditation standards for capacity auctions as stakeholders complain the plan is restrictive.
Rules Will Limit MISO Capacity Resource Outages
MISO is wrapping up implementation of approved outage rules designed to dissuade capacity resources from taking long outages that could risk supply.
Little Change in MISO 2020/21 PRA Assumptions
Early data for MISO’s spring capacity auction shows a 1-GW uptick in the capacity supply needs but essentially no change in year-over-year peak forecasts.
Exelon Challenges PJM Monitor’s ComEd FRR Analysis
Exelon said a report from PJM's Monitor uses assumptions to cast a negative light on the FRR alternative members may pursue in the face of an expanded MOPR.
ISO-NE Capacity Prices Hit Record Low
ISO-NE's 2020 Forward Capacity Auction cleared at a record low of $2/kW-month, a nearly 50% drop from the $3.80/kW-month in 2019.
FERC Rejects Genbright Waiver on FCA14
FERC rejected a solar aggregator’s request to offer 14 DERs into ISO-NE’s 2020 Forward Capacity Auction despite a dispute over the interconnection status.
NEPOOL Markets Committee Briefs: Jan. 28, 2020
ISO-NE’s External Market Monitor presented the NEPOOL Markets Committee a design for mitigating market power in the day-ahead ancillary services market.
Is Self-supply Suppressing Prices?
Has FERC made a case that cooperatives, municipal utilities and vertically integrated utilities that self-supply suppress capacity prices?

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