July 28, 2024

Capacity Market

MISO Prepares Deliverability, LMR Accreditation Filings
MISO is preparing to make two resource adequacy filings with FERC aimed at making its capacity resources more readily available.
Overheard at ACORE Policy Forum 2020
The need for gas peakers and electric transmission and the increasing popularity of hybrid storage projects were recurrent topics at the ACORE Policy Forum.
ISO-NE Study to Chart Transition to Future Grid
ISO-NE and NEPOOL stakeholders are collaborating to study market and reliability issues the region will face as it decarbonizes over the next decades.
MISO Forward Report Stresses Near-term Change
A report from MISO concludes stakeholders will need to quickly adjust the RTO’s capacity construct to accommodate a resource mix dominated by renewables.
Senate Dems Seek to Undo PJM, NYISO Rulings
Sen. Chris Van Hollen told Policy Forum attendees Senate Democrats will seek to amend a bill to undo FERC rulings on PJM’s and NYISO's capacity markets.
Carbon Pricing Gains Popularity — and Doubts
Carbon pricing's time may be nearing, but it won’t solve the climate crisis by itself or persuade states to abandon clean energy policies, speakers said.
PJM Stakeholders Get First Look at MOPR Floor Costs
PJM stakeholders got their first look at the price floors that could be applied for capacity resources under the expanded minimum offer price rule.
Consumer Advocates Appeal MOPR Order to DC Circuit
Consumer advocates asked the D.C. Circuit Court to review FERC’s order expanding PJM’s MOPR despite FERC not acting on numerous requests for rehearing.
PSEG’s Izzo Skeptical of FRR Option
PSEG CEO Ralph Izzo expressed skepticism that New Jersey utilities will abandon the PJM capacity market over the expanded minimum offer price rule.
FERC Accepts ISO-NE Filing for FCA 14
FERC approved ISO-NE’s November 2019 filing of information related to qualification of resources to participate in Forward Capacity Auction 14.

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