July 28, 2024

Capacity Market

UPDATE: Monitor: PJM Saw Record-low Energy Prices in 2019
The average load-weighted, real-time LMP in PJM was $27.32/MWh last year, a 28.6% decrease from 2018 and the lowest in the RTO’s 21-year history.
Report Slams PJM Forecasting, CONE Estimates
PJM’s Reliability Pricing Model is acquiring more capacity than needed, leading to dirtier, less efficient generation and excessive costs for consumers.
PJM MOPR Floor Prices Reduced for Gas, Nuclear, Solar Units
PJM officials told stakeholders that revised calculations show lower floor prices for gas, nuclear and solar generating units under the expanded MOPR.
PJM MIC Briefs: March 11, 2020
PJM is “confident” it will meet FERC’s deadline for resolving pricing and dispatch misalignment issues in its fast-start pricing proposal.
Overheard at NE Electricity Restructuring Roundtable
Some 375 people registered for Raab Associates’ 165th New England Electricity Restructuring Roundtable, held online in response to the coronavirus pandemic.
Study: Retail Design Key to Escaping Capacity Markets
Retail-choice states wanting to reduce their reliance on RTO capacity markets need to improve how their retail markets handle resource procurement.
PJM Proposes Auction for 6 Months After FERC Ruling
PJM plans to hold the next Base Residual Auction about six months after they receive FERC approval of its compliance filing implementing the expanded MOPR.
FERC Reverses Ruling on ISO-NE ‘Economic Life’ Rules
FERC's Neil Chatterjee and Bernard McNamee reversed the commission’s order correcting a key calculation in evaluating ISO-NE’s capacity delist bids.
Dominion: FERC MOPR Rulings Inconsistent on Self-supply
Dominion asked FERC to reconsider its conclusion self-supply resources suppress PJM capacity prices, saying it is inconsistent with an exemption in NYISO.
MISO Market Subcommittee Briefs: March 5, 2020
MISO might revise and refile a failed proposal designed to set penalties for non-capacity resources that exercise market power through physical withholding.

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