July 28, 2024

Capacity Market

ISO-NE Sending 2 Energy Security Plans to FERC
ISO-NE will file two versions of its Energy Security Improvements market design with FERC after NEPOOL's Participants Committee approved a modified version.
FERC Reaffirms ISO-NE Winter Program Cost
FERC reaffirmed its conclusion that the results of ISO-NE’s 2013/14 Winter Reliability Program were just and reasonable despite the fact that the largest participants may have had market power.
N.J. Investigating Alternatives to PJM Capacity Market
New Jersey officials have taken the first step in determining whether the state should remain in PJM’s regional capacity market or go in another direction.
NEPOOL Markets Committee Briefs: March 24, 2020
ISO-NE’s Energy Security Improvements initiative hit a snag when the NEPOOL Markets Committee failed to recommend it to the Participants Committee.
FERC Denies Rehearing on PJM Arbitrage Fixes
FERC denied rehearings on orders rejecting PJM’s efforts to stop capacity market participants from attempting to arbitrage between the BRA and Incremental Auctions.
FERC Sides With PJM on Pseudo-tie Challenges
FERC rejected rehearing requests over the commission’s November 2017 order approving PJM’s tougher requirements for pseudo-tied generators.
MOPR May Not be Death Knell for Renewables in PJM
PJM’s expanded MOPR may not hinder renewables as much as some had feared if the RTO’s interpretation of FERC’s Dec. 19 order is accepted by the commission.
FERC Shelves Grievances over MISO Capacity Auction
FERC denied what might be a final bid to recalibrate the results of MISO’s 2015/16 capacity auction, blocking Public Citizen’s request for rehearing.
Rehearing Denied over MISO RA Construct
FERC affirmed its 2018 ruling approving MISO’s current resource adequacy construct, rejecting multiple rehearing requests from critics of the decision.
PJM Makes MOPR Compliance Filing
PJM filed Tariff changes to comply with FERC’s controversial order requiring expansion of the MOPR to new state-subsidized resources.

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