July 28, 2024

Capacity Market

NEPOOL Reliability Committee Briefs: April 22, 2020
ISO-NE energy demand has fallen 3 to 5% since stay-at-home orders began being implemented across New England, the NEPOOL Reliability Committee heard.
Stakeholders Appeal Expansion of PJM MOPR
The battle over FERC’s order expanding PJM’s minimum offer price rule moved to federal court as environmental groups, cooperatives and regulators filed petitions.
PJM MIC Briefs: April 15, 2020
The Market Implementation Committee held discussions on credit requirements and stability-limited generators, and received updates on the ARR/FTR Market Task Force and the nGEM project.
NYISO Management Committee Briefs: April 15, 2020
NYISO’s Management Committee saw graphic evidence of how the COVID-19 pandemic response is impacting power demand in New York.
FERC: RGGI, Voluntary RECs Exempt from MOPR
FERC clarified voluntary renewable energy credits and participation in RGGI will not subject capacity resources to PJM’s expanded minimum offer price rule.
NYISO Weighs Market Options for Hybrid Resources
NYISO floated a plan that would provide hybrid storage resources three options for participating in its energy and capacity markets.
UPDATED: Michigan Prices Soar in 8th MISO Capacity Auction
MISO’s capacity auction marked the RTO’s first clearing price set by its cost of new entry, as prices in the Lower Peninsula rocketed to almost $260/MW-day.
MISO Offers Concession on LMR Capacity Credit Plan
MISO is offering stakeholders a compromise on one of two proposals it will file with FERC, removing a provision that would eliminate capacity credits for slow-response LMRs.
NEPOOL Markets/Reliability Committee Briefs: April 7, 2020
ISO-NE’s wholesale market costs last fall declined 38% year over year to $1.5 billion, with both energy and capacity market costs decreasing significantly.
ISO-NE Sending 2 Energy Security Plans to FERC
ISO-NE will file two versions of its Energy Security Improvements market design with FERC after NEPOOL's Participants Committee approved a modified version.

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