July 28, 2024

Capacity Market

Report: Imports Key to Successful FRR
Analyses that predict increased costs for regions that exit PJM’s capacity market should be redone to presume maximizing imports to counter local market power.
FERC Approves PJM Reserve Market Overhaul
FERC approved PJM’s proposed energy price formation revisions, agreeing with the RTO that its reserve market was not functioning as intended.
NEPOOL Reliability Committee Briefs: May 19, 2020
The NEPOOL Reliability Committee discussed load forecasting method changes, DC-coupled facilities' participation in the markets and transmission upgrades.
New MOPR Analysis Sees Cost at $1B/Year
The expanded MOPR will cost PJM ratepayers almost $9.7 billion over nine years if FERC adopts revised floor prices allowing most nuclear plants to clear.
NEPOOL Markets Committee Briefs: May 12, 2020
ISO-NE’s winter wholesale market costs totaled $1.8 billion, a 32% decrease from the previous winter because of lower energy and capacity costs.
PJM PC/TEAC Briefs: May 12, 2020
PJM incumbent TOs won a victory as the Planning Committee endorsed a new regional targeted market efficiency project process that would be excluded from competition.
Commenters Weigh in on PJM MOPR Compliance Filing
More than two dozen companies and coalitions filed responses to PJM’s compliance filing to FERC's order expanding its MOPR.
PJM Refining Default Service Rules Under MOPR
PJM officials have revised some of their proposed rules for applying the MOPR to state default service procurements in response to stakeholder feedback.
PJM Monitor Finds Capacity Exit Costly for NJ
PJM’s Monitor released a report concluding that New Jersey ratepayers would likely see costs increase if the state left the RTO’s capacity market.
Clock Ticking on Exelon Illinois Nukes Under MOPR
Exelon said its Illinois nuclear plants are “up against a clock,” with the legislature unable to meet to consider withdrawing from PJM’s capacity market.

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