July 28, 2024

Capacity Market

PJM MIC Briefs: June 3, 2020
The PJM MIC endorsed an initiative to update the RTO’s business rules to accommodate co-located generation and energy storage hybrid resources.
PJM PC/TEAC Briefs: June 2, 2020
PJM weekday load peaks have come in 10.4% less than than projected before the coronavirus pandemic, the Planning Committee learned.
MISO Stakeholders Split on Seasonal RA Measures
Stakeholders are divided on whether MISO has conducted enough analysis to justify adopting seasonal capacity auctions and loss-of-load expectation studies.
HVDC Initiative Endorsed by PJM Stakeholders
Prompted by Direct Connect and its proposed SOO Green project, PJM stakeholders agreed to consider integrating HVDC converters as a capacity resource.
PJM MRC Briefs: May 28, 2020
The PJM MRC endorsed a proposal to allow market participants to use surety bonds as collateral for all market purposes except financial transmission rights.
Five New Recommendations from NYISO Monitor
Potomac Economics’ 2019 State of the Market Report for NYISO adds five recommendations while concluding the ISO’s markets “performed competitively” in 2019.
MISO Utilities Urge Swift Action on Gen Mix
Utility executives urged MISO to prepare for the imminent change sweeping the grid with the increased adoption of renewable and distributed resources.
FERC Rejects Complaints on PJM Seasonal Resources
FERC rejected requests to change PJM’s capacity market rules to accommodate seasonal resources.
PJM Ordered to Revise Pseudo-tie Rules
PJM’s testing rules for pseudo-tied resources lack "sufficient notice and transparency," FERC ruled, ordering Tariff changes.
NJ Regulators Weighing Input on Capacity Market Exit
The New Jersey BPU received dozens of comments on how it should respond to PJM's expanded MOPR. State regulators initiated the investigation to determine if staying in the capacity market will increase consumer costs or impede the state's goals of 100% clean energy sources by 2050.

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