July 28, 2024

Capacity Market

NEPOOL Participants Comm. Briefs: June 23-24, 2020
ISO-NE Monitor David Patton presented his 2019 assessment of the RTO, comparing its markets with others in the East and making several recommendations.
IMM Issues 5 Recs in MISO State of the Market Report
MISO’s Monitor issued five new recommendations in its annual State of the Market report, focusing on seams and efficient use of the transmission system.
NEPOOL Reliability Committee Briefs: June 16, 2020
ISO-NE presented the NEPOOL Reliability Committee with a proposal to improve how it measures the impact of passive demand resources participating in its capacity auctions.
ISO-NE Stopgap Fuel Security Program Gets OK
FERC approved ISO-NE’s Inventoried Energy Program as a “reasonable” short-term solution to compensating resources that provide fuel security during winter.
Monitor Breaks with MISO over RA Concerns
MISO and its Independent Market Monitor are at odds over how and how quickly the RTO should address its resource adequacy, board members heard Tuesday.
FERC OKs Revised Forecast for PJM Incremental Auction
FERC granted PJM permission to use a lower peak load forecast for its second Incremental Auction in July, reflecting the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
NYISO Stakeholders OK Peak Forecast Tweak
NYISO’s Management Committee voted to revise the ISO’s Tariff to address a concern regarding peak load forecasts and minimum unforced capacity requirements.
NEPOOL Markets Committee Briefs: June 10, 2020
New England’s total wholesale costs of electricity last year fell 19% to $9.8 billion, according to the ISO-NE Market Monitor’s 2019 Annual Markets Report.
MISO: New Outage Rules Boosted Mich. Capacity Prices
MISO said a new rule prohibiting resources on extended outages from offering capacity contributed to the historic spike in Zone 7 prices in April’s PRA.
CleanPower 2020: Renewables’ Future Still Holds Hope
AWEA hosted a web-accessible three-day event to discuss the state of the renewable energy industries amid the pandemic and the expanded PJM MOPR.

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