July 28, 2024

Capacity Market

CPUC Questions CAISO Day-ahead Capacity Plan
CAISO’s proposal to develop new capacity products through its day-ahead market enhancements initiative may not yield expected benefits, a key skeptic says.
NEPOOL Reliability Committee Briefs: July 21, 2020
The New England Power Pool Reliability Committee narrowly approved changes to ISO-NE’s gross load forecast reconstitution methodology.
NEPOOL Markets Committee Briefs: July 14-15, 2020
The NEPOOL Markets Committee devoted the bulk of its meeting to debating changes to inputs and assumptions that will govern FCA 16 in February 2022.
NYISO BSM Mitigation Ruling Sparks Glick Rebuke
FERC approved NYISO’s revised buyer-side market power mitigation rules, prompting a scathing dissent from Commissioner Richard Glick.
FERC OKs COVID-19 Waiver for MISO LMRs
FERC approved MISO’s request for a one-time waiver giving market participants the opportunity to replace load-modifying resources affected by the pandemic.
PJM MIC Briefs: July 8, 2020
The PJM MIC endorsed the sunsetting of a longstanding subcommittee on intermittent resources and accepted the charter of a new committee.
MISO Closer to Seasonal Capacity, Reliability Reqs
MISO will evaluate the merits of defining new seasonal reliability criteria and implementing a sub-annual capacity construct, stakeholders learned.
NEPOOL Markets/Reliability Committee Briefs: July 1, 2020
The NEPOOL Markets and Reliability committees heard presentations on studies on how increasing renewables and electrification will affect the ISO-NE grid.
FERC Opens Proceeding on ISO-NE New-entrant Rules
FERC established a paper hearing to explore the justness and reasonableness of ISO-NE’s new-entrant rules for its Forward Capacity Market.
Stakeholders Split on Potential MISO RA Requirements
Stakeholders appear torn over whether MISO should develop reliability guidelines that could establish uniform resource adequacy criteria.

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