Capacity Market
The Inflation Reduction Act and other policies have made the U.S. into one of the most attractive places to invest in clean energy, but completing the energy transition will require additional advances, according to panelists at the Aurora Energy Transition Forum.
NYISO's transmission planning requirements result in a need for more capacity than is required in the ISO’s market rules, according to Potomac Economics, the Market Monitoring Unit.
Listed are the agenda items scheduled to be brought to a vote at the upcoming PJM Markets and Reliability Committee and Members Committee meetings.
FERC authorized MISO’s move to a capacity accreditation method that blends probabilistic availability with historical unit performance.
The second leg of the Independent Market Monitor's analysis on PJM's 2025/26 Base Residual Auction looked at the impact of not counting reliability-must-run resources as capacity, paired with several other factors.
PJM's proposal to create an expedited interconnection process for high capacity factor generation would seek to add gigawatts of capacity by fast-tracking studies on around 100 projects.
ISO-NE is not planning to pursue the development of simultaneously clearing seasonal capacity auctions as part of its capacity auction reform project.
A recently filed proposal by ISO-NE to increase the collateral requirements for generators with capacity supply obligations has received strong pushback from the New England Power Generators Association.
PJM has proposed changes to the demand response availability window, which determines when the curtailment capability is evaluated as accredited capacity and expected to be online for dispatch.
Demand response in MISO is poised to be subject to more rigorous standards as the Independent Market Monitor warns of more potential bad actors.
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