July 27, 2024

Capacity Market

Glick: These 4 FERC Priorities Will Affect Energy Storage
FERC Chair Richard Glick told the Energy Storage Association one of his priorities is to further break down barriers for storage in the capacity markets.
MISO Sets Sights on 4-season Capacity Market
MISO said it is close to completing a proposal to create a four-season capacity market after floating a rudimentary plan with skeptical stakeholders.
NE States Considering Different Market Models
New England state officials heard suggestions for how ISO-NE’s electricity markets could be altered to aid in the implementation of decarbonization mandates
PJM MRC/MC Briefs: Jan. 27, 2021
PJM stakeholders at the MRC rejected two proposals aimed at addressing a dispute over black start units' capital recovery factor.
MISO Reevaluating Value of Loss Load as Monitor Pushes $10,000/MWh
MISO said it will soon present proposals for reformulating its VoLL while its IMM once again urged the RTO to nearly triple the current value.
FERC Partially Accepts PJM MOPR Offer Floor Filing
FERC mostly accepted PJM’s tariff revisions accounting for when the default offer price floor exceeds the market seller offer cap under the expanded MOPR.
NEPOOL MC Supports Changes to End Price Locks
NEPOOL’s Markets Committee recommend the Participants Committee support tariff changes that would prevent resources from locking in prices for seven years.
NYISO Explores Improving BSM Processes
NYISO is proposing to update its buyer-side mitigation processes to keep up with the number of new resources that will potentially be subject to the rules.
MISO Intends to Add Seasonal Capacity Auction
MISO plans to subdivide its annual capacity auction by seasons to better manage reliability risks caused by renewables’ growing share of the resource mix.
NYISO Appeals FERC Rejection of BSM Proposal
NYISO petitioned the D.C. Circuit to review FERC’s rejection of the ISO’s proposal to exempt public policy resources from its buyer-side mitigation rules.

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