July 26, 2024

Capacity Market

LS Power Challenges Dominion FRR Plan
LS Power asked FERC to block Dominion from opting out of PJM’s capacity auction, saying the RTO violated its rules by accepting the utility’s FRR election.
NEPOOL Participants Committee Briefs: May 6, 2021
ISO-NE briefed the NEPOOL Participants Committee on a project to address the removal of the minimum offer price rule from the capacity market.
Dominion Opts out of PJM Capacity Auction
Dominion has abandoned PJM’s capacity market over concerns the minimum offer price rule will undermine its ability to meet Virginia’s renewable targets.
PJM Proposes Shifting MOPR Determinations to FERC
PJM has proposed shifting the burden of determining what resources are subject to the MOPR away from the RTO and the Monitor to FERC itself.
Comments Come into FERC on PJM Capacity Market
FERC received dozens of comments on the final day for stakeholders to answer questions on the future of PJM’s capacity market.
PJM MRC/MC Briefs: April 21, 2021
Stakeholders endorsed PJM’s proposed solution to update the value of capital recovery factors at last week’s MRC meeting.
NYISO Outlines Goals for Capacity Market
NYISO is preparing to revise its capacity market rules so they do not slow the deployment of state-subsidized renewable resources.
ISO-NE, Stakeholders Continue to Pave ‘Pathways to the Future Grid’
The NEPOOL Participants Committee continued working groups on “Pathways to the Future Grid” as ISO-NE and stakeholders reviewed decarbonization strategies.
FERC Dismisses Generators’ Complaint Against Mystic
FERC dismissed a complaint by New England generators against Exelon's Mystic cost-of-service agreement.
MISO Places 4-month Hold on Seasonal Auction, Stricter Accreditation
MISO postponed filing tariff revisions to implement 4 seasonal capacity auctions and impose a more rigorous accreditation process on participating resources.

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