July 26, 2024

Capacity Market

New Jersey BPU Accepts Continued PJM Capacity Market Participation — for Now
The New Jersey BPU voted unanimously to accept the final version of a staff report recommending the state continue in PJM’s capacity market — for now.
Duke Energy
Discord Persists over MISO Seasonal Capacity Accreditation
MISO's proposed seasonal accreditation for capacity resources remains a point of contention among the RTO, its Market Monitor and the stakeholder community.
The Brattle Group
DC Circuit Rejects FERC Logic on PJM 10% Adder
The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals rejected FERC's logic for approving a 10% cost adder in PJM's capacity market.
ISO-NE, NEPOOL Continue to Conceptualize Capacity Market Sans MOPR
ISO-NE and NEPOOL kicked off a two-day meeting with a session strictly devoted to discussing removing the MOPR from the capacity market.
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Overheard at MACRUC 2021: Pandemic Hardships
For the first time in more than a year, regulators from PJM and NYISO joined in person for the MACRUC annual Education Conference.
NRDC Urges EE Participation in NYISO ICAP Markets
NRDC delivered a presentation on energy efficiency participation in NYISO's ICAP markets, urging it be mentioned in a July 19 FERC Order 2222 compliance filing.
Stakeholders Back PJM MOPR-Ex Replacement
PJM stakeholders voted overwhelmingly in support of the RTO’s proposal to eliminate a capacity market rule that undermined state decarbonization efforts.
NEPOOL Participants Committee Summer Meeting Briefs: June 24, 2021
According to a report from the External Market Monitor, energy prices and uplift costs in ISO-NE are higher compared to other RTO markets.
PJM MRC/MC Briefs: June 23, 2021
Stakeholders unanimously endorsed PJM's proposed solution and tariff revisions addressing interconnection construction service agreements.
MISO Monitor Warns of Ramping Needs, Tx Congestion
In his annual State of the Market report, MISO’s Monitor said transmission congestion and heightened ramping needs continue to dog the RTO.

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