July 26, 2024

Capacity Market

Buckeye Power
PJM MIC Briefs: Sept. 9, 2021
Stakeholders endorsed PJM's proposal to change the undefined regulation mileage ratio calculation after months of debate.
PJM Proposing 2-Month Capacity Auction Delay
PJM asked FERC to delay the Dec. 1 capacity auction by almost two months, citing the commission’s recent revision to auction rules.
Paradise Energy Solutions
PJM, Stakeholders Respond to MOPR Replacement Challenges
PJM and its stakeholders continue to jostle over the impact of the proposed replacement for the expanded MOPR as responses continue to be filed at FERC.
PJM PC/TEAC Briefs: Aug. 31, 2021
PJM is recommending using an installed reserve margin of 14.6%, slightly up from 14.4% required in 2020.
Crispins C. Crispian, CC BY-SA-4.0, via Wikimedia
NEPOOL Stakeholders Discuss Transition Mechanisms for MOPR
NEPOOL stakeholders and ISO-NE continue to work on eliminating the MOPR from the capacity market, discussing multiple proposals on transitional mechanisms.
Potomac Economics
NYISO Q2 Energy Prices Rise on Higher Gas Prices, Load
The NYISO Market Monitor reported energy markets performed competitively in the second quarter of 2021, with all-in prices ranging from $21 to $67/MWh.
MISO Zeros in on Seasonal Capacity Auction, Accreditation
MISO is confirming final details of its bid for seasonal capacity auctions & availability-based accreditation while some stakeholders continue to criticize it.
Mixed Stakeholder Reception to PJM MOPR Replacement
More than two dozen comments poured in to FERC regarding PJM’s proposed replacement for the extended minimum offer price rule.
Monitor: PJM Energy Prices Rising but Still Competitive
Energy prices in PJM increased “significantly” in the first half of 2021 compared to 2020, but prices remained lower than historical levels, the IMM reported.
PJM MIC Briefs: Aug. 11, 2021
The PJM MIC OKd changes on fast-start pricing, 5-minute dispatch, solar-battery hybrids and an issue charge over energy efficiency in the capacity market.

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