July 25, 2024

Capacity Market

PJM Reveals Preliminary Capacity Auction Timeline
PJM staff told stakeholders they were seeking to move the upcoming BRA originally scheduled for later this month to the end of June to comply with FERC.
NEPOOL Markets Committee Briefs: Jan. 12, 2022
The NEPOOL Markets Committee approved changes to the rules around retirement bids and discussed upping financial penalties for missed project milestones.
NTE Energy
FERC Accepts ISO-NE Request to Terminate Killingly CSO
FERC accepted ISO-NE’s request to terminate the capacity supply obligation for the Killingly Energy Center in eastern Connecticut.
Solar Landscape
MOPR, Capacity Auction Highlight 2021 for PJM
PJM's year was punctuated by changes in the capacity market as votes by stakeholders led to the implementation of the RTO’s narrowed MOPR.
FERC Reverses Itself on PJM Reserve Market Changes
PJM's upcoming 2023/24 BRA is set to be delayed again after FERC partially reversed its 2020 decision on the RTO’s energy price formation revisions.
DTE Energy
MISO in 2022: Seasonal Capacity, Fleet Turnover and Tx Planning
MISO's 2022 to-do list will be dominated by getting major transmission built and crafting a seasonal capacity auction.
Vineyard Wind
ISO-NE, States Seek to Build on ‘Alignment’ Efforts
Resource adequacy concerns and market rules and transmission infrastructure to support state clean energy policies highlight the issues facing ISO-NE in 2022.
NE Stakeholders Propose Retirement, Financial Assurance Changes
The NEPOOL Markets Committee will vote in January on two proposals to modify ISO-NE’s generator retirement rules.
New England Power Generators Association
IPPs See Danger in Swift Move from Gas and Coal
Independent power producers warned that policymakers are risking reliability by attempting to transition too quickly from gas and coal to renewables.
Setra Systems
Stakeholders Approve ISO-NE Order 2222 Compliance Plan
The NEPOOL Markets Committee approved ISO-NE’s proposed compliance filing to implement FERC Order 2222.

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