Capacity Market
Average load-weighted electricity prices in PJM fell by around half in 2023, the Independent Market Monitor said in its annual State of the Market Report.
The NYISO Business Issues Committee approved proposed tariff changes to allow energy storage resources co-located with a dispatchable generator behind a single point of interjection to participate in the markets.
The 3rd Circuit vacated FERC’s order allowing PJM to revise a capacity market parameter for the DPL South zone after the 2024/25 auction had been conducted but prior to the publication of its results, ruling that it constituted retroactive ratemaking.
ISO-NE presented the NEPOOL Markets Committee with additional results of the impact analysis for the RTO’s resource capacity accreditation project, which looked at how changes to the resource mix would affect the seasonal distribution of shortfall risks.
Former FERC Commissioner James Danly told a House Oversight subcommittee that federal subsidies overvalue some resources, while undervaluing others, putting the future of the grid at risk.
The NEPOOL Markets Committee approved an additional two-year delay of ISO-NE’s Forward Capacity Auction 19 to develop and implement a new seasonal capacity auction.
PJM's Market Implementation Committee endorsed a PJM proposal to revise how it measures and verifies the capacity that energy efficiency resources may enter into Base Residual Auctions.
The Gulf Coast Power Association's 10th annual MISO-SPP Forum centered its focus on the energy transition before a record crowd in New Orleans.
MISO announced that it saved its membership approximately $5 billion in 2023 by providing a resource sharing pool for utilities.
NYISO initiated steps toward integrating hydrogen into its market, aiming for technology-agnostic rules to foster clean energy innovation.
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