July 3, 2024

Capacity Market

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New England Stakeholders Discuss Clean Energy Market Mechanisms
New England energy industry leaders met at the 29th annual New England Energy Conference and Exposition to discuss regionwide clean energy market mechanisms.
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FERC Approves PJM Capacity Auction Delay to 2024
FERC approved PJM’s request to delay its 2025/26 capacity auction from Wednesday until next year as the RTO seeks to revamp its market rules.
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PJM MRC/MC Briefs: May 31, 2023
The PJM Markets and Reliability Committee voted to reject manual changes on the synchronized reserve requirement.
FERC Sends Elliott Complaints Against PJM to Settlement Judge
FERC OK'd settlement judge procedures to resolve complaints that generators filed against PJM’s assessment of penalties for underperformance in December 2022.
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PJM Stakeholders Complete 2nd Phase of CIFP
PJM wrapped up the second phase of its critical issue fast path process to address RA concerns with two meetings on proposed changes to the capacity market.
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PJM Capacity Auction Weeks away with No Answer on Delay
PJM is weeks away from the scheduled date for the 2025/26 Base Residual Auction without an order from FERC on whether it will be permitted to delay the auction.
ISO-NE Increases Peak Load Forecasts
ISO-NE increases 10-year summer and winter peak load predictions, with big gains coming from electrified heating and transportation.
FERC Accepts MISO’s Pledge for Annual Capacity Ratio Calculation
FERC on Tuesday accepted a MISO tariff filing, promising to annually update an unforced capacity-to-intermediate seasonal accredited capacity ratio.
PJM Urges FERC to Deny Winter Storm Complaints
PJM says if FERC heeds Capacity Performance charge complaints stemming from storm power outages, it will undermine key aspects of reliability.
Potomac Economics
NYISO MMU Calls for Improved Shortage Pricing, More Capacity Zones
NYISO needs to improve shortage pricing and create smaller capacity zones, the ISO’s market monitoring unit reports in its 2022 State of the Market report.

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