Capacity Market
MISO said its second seasonal capacity auction returned sufficient capacity in all zones except a portion of Missouri, where prices soared to more than $700/MW-day in fall and spring.
FERC once again said it needs more information on clearing price caps before MISO can proceed with sloped demand curves in its capacity auctions.
PJM and the Independent Market Monitor presented the Deactivation Enhancement Senior Task Force with two proposals to increase the notification generators seeking deactivation must provide PJM and standardize compensation for those that enter into agreements to continue operating beyond their desired retirement date.
Stakeholders filed comments debating PJM’s request that FERC direct it to recalculate the results of the 2024/25 Base Residual Auction and rerun the third Incremental Auction.
The NYISO Management Committee approved tariff revisions for co-located storage resources and capacity accreditation models, reviewed annual satisfaction survey results, and received updates on board compensation and Order 2023.
Dozens of states have adopted emission-reduction targets aimed at fighting climate change. But how should RTOs account for those initiatives when their effects are delayed, uncertain, expensive for consumers or all of the above?
The PJM MRC rejected four proposals to rework how the RTO measures and verifies the capacity EE providers can offer into the market.
PJM updated stakeholders on how it will proceed in the wake of a 3rd Circuit ruling vacating a FERC order allowing the RTO to revise a parameter after bids had been received for the 2024/25 Base Residual Auction.
MISO’s imminent filing for a new capacity accreditation is a crucial first step to get ready for a more complex and challenging future, executives told attendees during March Board Week.
2023 began with a mild winter, setting the pace for a relatively quiet year in which natural gas and wholesale electricity prices dropped and the U.S. added a net 26 GW in generation capacity.
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