October 10, 2024

Capacity Market

© RTO Insider
Market Summit Tackles Ongoing PJM Changes
PJM stakeholders discussed a myriad of topics and challenges facing the markets at last week’s Mid-Atlantic Power Market Summit hosted by Infocast.
Climate Policy Initiative
Cost Estimates on DOE NOPR: $300 million to $32 billion+
The PJM Market Monitor estimated the DOE NOPR would cost ratepayers $32 billion/year if nuclear and coal units were all paid their full replacement value.
PJM Grilled on Price-Responsive Demand Rule Changes
Representatives grilled PJM officials at the Markets and Reliability Committee meeting over proposed changes to price-responsive demand (PRD) bids.
PJM MRC/MC Briefs 10-26-17
Members approved a Tariff revision setting 78.5% as the balancing ratio to be used in calculating the default market seller offer cap for the 2021/22 BRA.
EBA Panelists Talk ‘Wacky’ NOPR, ‘Modest’ ZECs, ‘Rent Seeking’
The Energy Bar Association Mid-Year Forum included discussions of subsidies and the Energy Department's proposed grid resiliency pricing rule.
FERC Accepts Nondisclosure for ISO-NE Capacity Bids
FERC approved ISO-NE’s request not to disclose any proprietary information from certain de-list bids for the 12th Forward Capacity Auction.
State Regulators Unhappy with PJM Capacity Discussions
OPSI warned PJM that it should avoid any capacity market changes that would increase costs or restrict state policies setting generation preferences.
PJM Market Implementation Committee Briefs: Oct. 11, 2017
PJM’s plan for addressing uplift remains on schedule, and the final two phases of its three-phase solution will be filed by the end of this week.
PJM Drops MOPR in Capacity Talks; Dayton Withdraws
PJM announced revisions to its capacity proposal while Dayton Power and Light said it was withdrawing its plan.
Entergy Floats MISO External Zone Hedging Plan
After discord surrounding MISO’s plan to incorporate external zones into its auction and divvy up excess revenues, Entergy emerged with its own plan.

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