September 7, 2024

Capacity Market

ISO-NE Files CASPR Proposal
ISO-NE asked for FERC approval of its two-stage capacity auction following months of negotiations that left the RTO’s stakeholders split.
Green Delaware
New Jersey Lawmakers Pass on Nuke Bailout in Lame Duck Session
Exelon and PSEG will have to wait until the next session of the New Jersey Legislature for a vote on a bill to provide payments to the state’s nuclear fleet.
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Ill. ZECs Defenders Face Harsh Questioning on Appeal
Defenders of the Illinois nuclear subsidy program faced harsh questioning from a judge skeptical that it avoids federal pre-emption concerns.
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PJM Markets Still Unsettled
PJM has a lot on its plate for 2018, including an ongoing effort to change its capacity market structure, the DOE NOPR and gas-electric coordination.
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MISO in 2018: Storage, Software, Settlements and Studies
MISO’s 2018 to-do list includes continuing efforts to expand energy storage participation and extensive software upgrades.
CORRECTED: New England Leads East in Renewables Transition
ISO-NE will open the new year with a NEPOOL vote on its Competitive Auctions with Sponsored Policy Resources (CASPR) concept.
MOPR-Ex Faces Uphill Battle as PJM Declines Recommendation
PJM’s long-awaited capacity construct redesign will have to wait at least another month for endorsement by the Markets and Reliability Committee.
PJM Markets and Reliability Committee Briefs: Dec. 21, 2017
PJM’s initiative to internalize all generator payments moved forward at the MRC when stakeholders endorsed the RTO’s proposal to examine price formation.
PJM Monitor Battles Exelon on MOPR-Ex Proposal
PJM’s Independent Market Monitor faced a barrage of questions at the final stakeholder evaluation of its MOPR-Ex capacity market proposal.
MISO to Fold Outage Forecasting into Larger Resource Effort
MISO said it will defer any initiative to account for outages in capacity planning until it kicks off a broader discussion on overall resource availability.

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