July 31, 2024

Capacity Market

DOE NOPR Rejected, ‘Resilience’ Debate Turns to RTOs, States
FERC and grid operators will explore "resilience" following the commission’s rejection of Energy Secretary Rick Perry’s proposed rulemaking.
MISO Seeks To-Do List for Resource Adequacy Panel
MISO staff asked the Resource Adequacy Subcommittee (RASC) for feedback on the group’s priorities for 2018 and how the RTO could import capacity from IESO.
ISO-NE Seeks Lower Cutoff for Market Power Reviews
Bidders in the ISO-NE capacity auctions would face a lower price threshold for triggering market power reviews under a Tariff revision filed by the RTO.
MISO RASC Briefs: Little Change to Capacity Forecasts
MISO’s next capacity auction will likely rely on megawatt values and limits similar to those underpinning last year’s auction.
ISO-NE Effort to Accommodate States Leaves them Alienated
New England state regulators ended up split over the ISO-NE CASPR proposal — yet seemingly united in their dismay over the RTO’s stakeholder process.
ISO-NE Files CASPR Proposal
ISO-NE asked for FERC approval of its two-stage capacity auction following months of negotiations that left the RTO’s stakeholders split.
Green Delaware
New Jersey Lawmakers Pass on Nuke Bailout in Lame Duck Session
Exelon and PSEG will have to wait until the next session of the New Jersey Legislature for a vote on a bill to provide payments to the state’s nuclear fleet.
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Ill. ZECs Defenders Face Harsh Questioning on Appeal
Defenders of the Illinois nuclear subsidy program faced harsh questioning from a judge skeptical that it avoids federal pre-emption concerns.
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PJM Markets Still Unsettled
PJM has a lot on its plate for 2018, including an ongoing effort to change its capacity market structure, the DOE NOPR and gas-electric coordination.
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MISO in 2018: Storage, Software, Settlements and Studies
MISO’s 2018 to-do list includes continuing efforts to expand energy storage participation and extensive software upgrades.

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