July 31, 2024

Capacity Market

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PJM Market Implementation Committee Briefs: April 4, 2018
PJM told Market Implementation Committee meeting attendees that it plans to salvage some of its proposal to revise its regulation market that FERC rejected.
MISO Looks to Address Changing Resource Availability
The MISO Reliability Subcommittee (RSC) discussed a recent RTO white paper on resource availability, including the increasing frequency of max gen events.
NYISO Management Committee Briefs: March 28,2018
The NYISO Management Committee approved Tariff revisions intended to provide external resources with Rest of State deliverability rights.
PJM SHs Debate Frequency Response Rules
PJM debated stakeholders over whether existing units should be under the same obligation to provide primary frequency response that FERC ordered for new units.
FERC Approves ISO-NE Capacity Termination
FERC accepted ISO-NE’s request to terminate 11 MW of the capacity supply obligations (CSOs) for a Maine wind farm.
UPDATED — Second Thoughts: FERC May Revoke Marketers’ Tariff
FERC rejected a proposed power and gas tariff filed by the North American Energy Markets Association (NAEMA) and indicated it is likely to revoke the group’s capacity and energy tariff.
NYISO Business Issues Committee Briefs: March 15, 2018
NYISO energy prices averaged $33.83/MWh in February, down sharply from their cold snap average of $99.55 in January.
Updated: SPP Begins Work of Integrating Mountain West
The SPP Board of Directors and Members Committee on Tuesday approved a set of conditions that will guide the pending membership of Mountain West Transmission Group into the RTO.
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PJM Market Implementation Committee Briefs: March 7, 2018
PJM stakeholders at last week’s Market Implementation Committee meeting approved two problem statements and issue charges presented by Exelon.
MISO Closing in on External Capacity Zones
After almost three years of deliberation, MISO is putting the final touches on a plan to create external resource zones for its annual capacity auction by 2019.

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