September 28, 2024

NEPOOL Markets Committee

ISO-NE Stakeholders OK DER Aggregation Plans, Generator Relief
ISO-NE stakeholders approved a proposed filing on DERs but rejected the RTO’s concerns in backing Ocean State Power's bid to remain a capacity resource.
NEPOOL MC Gives OK to Inventoried Energy Program Tweaks
NEPOOL's Markets Committee approved changes to the Inventoried Energy Program intended to get the winter reliability program in line with global energy markets.
Fletcher, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
ISO-NE Outlines More of Plans for Capacity Accreditation, DA Ancillary Services
ISO-NE continued to elaborate its proposed methods for de-rating gas resources in the winter, when there may be challenges getting fuel.
ISO-NE Lays out Proposal for Measuring Gas Plants’ Winter Limitations
As ISO-NE continues to hack away at the complicated process of updating its capacity accreditation method, the grid operator is turning its attention to gas.
ISO-NE Firms up its Support for Marginal Capacity Accreditation
ISO-NE is narrowing down its options as it moves forward with revamping its process for resource capacity accreditation.
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ISO-NE Proposes Tweaks to Inventoried Energy Program
ISO-NE is proposing changes to its winter fuel security plan to answer a court order and account for the swirling global natural gas markets.
NRDC: Early Worries About ISO-NE’s Capacity Accreditation Approach
NRDC argued that ISO-NE’s preferred method of measuring marginal reliability impact risks under-valuing some components of clean energy resources.
Matthew T. Rader, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
ISO-NE Says No Extra Winter Programs Make Sense this Year
ISO-NE is not going to try for an out-of-market solution to New England's winter reliability woes this year.
Community Energy
Stakeholders Lob Capacity Accreditation Ideas at ISO-NE
AEE and LS Power urged ISO-NE to consider a broader range of possible approaches to capacity accreditation.
ISO-NE Starts its Capacity Accreditation Journey
ISO-NE is leaning toward a marginal approach to resource capacity accreditation, but there's a year of stakeholder discussions ahead.

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