ISO-NE Planning Advisory Committee
ISO-NE presented additional modeling scenarios for its 2024 Economic Study related to offshore wind and fossil retirements.
As part of a major overhaul of its annual load forecasting process, ISO-NE has significantly scaled back its electrification forecast for electric vehicles and heat pumps.
Presenting to the ISO-NE Planning Advisory Committee, Eversource Energy introduced a new set of asset-condition projects that could cost the region billions over multiple decades.
ISO-NE has outlined the transmission and economic models it plans to use to evaluate proposals submitted for the longer-term transmission planning process.
Backed by a new process conducted by the New England states, ISO-NE is moving forward with a request for proposals to build new transmission that would bring wind to market from Northern Maine.
Sheila Keane of the New England States Committee on Electricity discussed the scope of ISO-NE's first longer-term transmission planning solicitation.
New England transmission owners discussed updates to the guidelines for asset condition project presentations at the ISO-NE PAC to address concerns from states about transparency amid ballooning costs.
As the variability of generation and demand increases on the grid, market enhancements may be needed to promote dispatchable resources, ISO-NE told the PAC.
Following the increase of the transfer limits of three internal interfaces in Maine, ISO-NE increased the capacity import capability of the New Brunswick-New England interface from 700 MW to 980 MW.
ISO-NE announced its plans to increase the transfer limits of three interfaces in Maine at the Planning Advisory Committee’s meeting.
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