July 30, 2024


ISO New England Inc. is a regional transmission organization that oversees the operation of the electricity transmission system, coordinates wholesale electricity markets, and manages power system planning for the states of Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, and most of Maine.
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Connecticut Kicks off Grid Modernization Effort
Utility representatives and other stakeholders shared their views on grid modernization at the Connecticut PURA’s first-ever technical conference on the subject.
ISO-NE Moves to Keep Exelon’s Mystic Running
Citing reliability concerns, ISO-NE will ask FERC for a Tariff waiver to allow Exelon's 1,998-MW Mystic Generating Station to continue running.
Mystic Closure Notice Leaves Room for Reversal
Exelon filed with ISO-NE to retire the Mystic generating station, but the company said it “may reconsider” the decision if the RTO can reform its markets.
Eversource, Central Maine Power
Massachusetts Bids Adieu to Northern Pass
Massachusetts revoked its selection of Northern Pass as the sole winner of a massive clean energy solicitation (MA 83D).
ALJ Rules New England Tx Owners’ ROEs not Unjust
A FERC administrative law judge ruled that municipal utilities and commission staff failed to prove that a group of transmission owners’ base return on equity is unjust.
FERC Approves ISO-NE Capacity Termination
FERC accepted ISO-NE’s request to terminate 11 MW of the capacity supply obligations (CSOs) for a Maine wind farm.
Generators Challenge HVDC Line at Maine PUC
Three top generators in Maine have asked the state’s PUC to allow them to intervene in the proceeding on the New England Clean Energy Connect.
Come Together on OSW, Northeast States Told
Offshore wind projects being developed through individual state procurements should be viewed as regional resources, panelists told a the audience of the New England Electricity Restructuring Roundtable.
ISO-NE Planning Advisory Committee Briefs: March 15, 2018
ISO-NE’s draft 10-year Capacity, Energy, Loads and Transmission (CELT) forecast is reducing projected summer loads in 2026 by nearly 6%.
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Powelson Tells New England to Learn from Pennsylvania
FERC Commissioner Robert Powelson said ISO New England (ISO-NE) needs to overcome its aversion to new energy infrastructure to avoid natural gas shortages in the winter.

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